PCOS: Tips So You Don’t Get Overwhelmed

February 13, 2022

I get emails about training all sorts of women with PCOS.

I am almost always up to the job if I have the time and available slots – having been in this business for many years now I have surely encountered my share of women with this particular condition.

PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, is a condition that can make periods irregular, lead to acne and/or excessive hair growth on the face and body, and have an impact on fertility. It often goes undiagnosed because it’s mistaken for other conditions or even just brushed off as being something that one cannot control.

PCOS can be particularly difficult for young women. Hormonal imbalances, and other issues, can sometimes be a tad overwhelming for the younger generations. There are not enough conversations around this topic and it is such a shame that not many people know how much the right type of training and the right type of personal trainer can help when it comes to PCOS.


Hi guys, my name is Justina, a personal trainer from London. Today I would like to talk about PCOS a little bit more. Actually, I would like to talk about it super simple without sugarcoating and without really talking high phrases and really making everything over complicated. So, if you are anything like one of my clients you probably went through a couple of stages.

First, when you got diagnosed with that, you got completely overwhelmed with getting no information from the doctor, and then you obviously dived into Internet and you got completely overwhelmed with all the information, all the descriptions, all the templates, meal plans, advice from certain influencers who have had or never had PCOS and it’s all actually going to be super super super overwhelming.

So I just want to tell you that, really, PCOS, you can get it under control and you don’t need to have a lot of crazy supplements or Instagram and subscriptions monthly or… All you need to do is you need to really, really test and try things

Today I was talking with one of my PCOS clients – actually a successful client: has a regular period, losing weight, really happy, has her hormones under control and we really both agreed that it’s all about testing and trying things.

So, yes, we do have some rules which you need to follow, which you need to know of – it’s: reduced sugar, try gluten free, try dairy free, stop doing HIIT, stop doing interval training, go into resistance training, get your sleep under control.

Yes, it sounds a lot but it’s as well really, really simple. So, don’t get overwhelmed, get professional help, professional advice.

Don’t try and get some crazy information from Instagram and all other social media sources. Get someone who has been dealing with it, who has results or, just try and reach out to people who actually have PCOS. And, honestly girls, this is is not that hard. Think about it simple. Don’t overthink it.

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I'm Justina, a personal trainer based in London

Every day I use my passion and energy to improve my clients’ health, looks and lifestyle.
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