Do These 3 Simple Exercises To Lose Weight by Speeding Up Fat Loss

September 15, 2019

How do you get fit quick? There are a multitude of complex fitness and dietary regimes. It is better to seek out simple solutions. Learn more about how to speed up your fat loss with 3 simple steps.

1. Forget About Cheat Days, Have Chat Meals Instead

People can become obsessive over cheat days and overload on unhealthy food and drink. It is more sustainable to occasionally include cheat meals. It is important to be mindful and aware of how your body reacts to unhealthy treats.

A whole cheat day could set you back and slow down your fat loss. Maintaining a healthy mind is as important as a healthy body. Having a few cheat meals a week may be more manageable and could help you achieve your goals faster.

2. Increase Your Daily Activities (not Only in the Gym)

Staying active throughout the day can speed up your fat loss. This may be easier said than done. If you work in an office, it may be difficult to squeeze moderate activity in to a normal business day.

Time spent in the gym is important, but you need to do more if you want to speed up your fat loss. Increasing the intensity and speed with which you go about daily activities like walking to work can make you fitter. It is also a good idea to incorporate some hobbies that involve movement and muscular activity in to your daily life.

3. Track Yourself

Keeping track of your progress is a great way to speed up your fat loss. There are many ways of tracking yourself now that are relatively hassle-free. You can chart your weight loss with a set of scales, a pen and some paper. This is the simple old-fashioned way of tracking your fitness.

Nowadays there are various methods involving apps that can also track you progress in more complex ways. The best workout apps enable you to log your hours of exercise and get to grips with your weight loss progress.

If you are regularly exercising, tracking yourself is also a great way to stay motivated. Seeing your body develop because of the exercise you are doing can be encouraging. If you are motivated, you also more likely to continue working out. Overall, properly tracking yourself can instigate a cycle of fitness success!

Getting Healthy

If you follow these three simple steps, you will quicken your route to a successful fitness regime. Fat loss requires a particular type of resilience. Thankfully, you will be able to see the results in no time.

Tracking your progress is a simple and easy way of staying aware of the changes in your body. You will feel more motivated if you can track your weight loss journey. There are other methods of speeding up fat loss but the three we have discussed above are simple, cheap and reliable.

If you are looking for a personal trainer to improve your fitness feel free to get in touch!

Female personal trainer Justina Triasovaite

I'm Justina, a personal trainer based in London

Every day I use my passion and energy to improve my clients’ health, looks and lifestyle.
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