8 Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight

December 15, 2019

Are you struggling to shed the pounds? It can be difficult to lose weight even if you are exercising and following a diet plan. Let’s have a look at some of the reasons you may not be losing weight.

1. 5:2 Diet

Eating well during the week and not so well on the weekend may be the reason you are not losing weight. The 5:2 diet plan is a popular dietary scheme that has gained traction in recent years.

“Dieters are recommended to consume a ‘normal’ number of calories five days a week and then, for two, non-consecutive days, eat just 25% of their usual calorie total – 500 calories for women and 600 for men”(BBC)

To some people this may be manageable. However, for many people this leads to binge eating and unhealthy habits. If you are on the 5:2 diet and you are struggling to lose weight you may want to have a proper look at how your diet is affecting your body.

2. Alcohol

Many people underestimate the calorie content of alcoholic drinks. A pint of 5% strength beer is equal to 215kcal which is equal to a pack of salted crisps.

If you regularly consume a pint or two a day it will be difficult to lose weight. It is important to manage your drinking. Only having a couple of drinks a week is certainly a good place to start. You may even want to cut alcoholic drinking out of your life completely.

3. Inactivity

Many of us spend our weekdays behind a desk looking at a computer. This is obviously not ideal for your body. Not moving during the day and being generally inactive may prevent you from losing weight.

It is important to fit in an hour or more exercise into your day. This will be particularly useful if you live a relatively sedentary lifestyle. If you are struggling to lose weight have a look at your levels of physical activity.

4. Drinking Calories

Along with alcohol, you may be consuming other drinks that will add pounds and make it difficult to get fit. Fizzy drinks, milky coffees and lots of juices are full of calories, sugars and fat.

It is important to be aware of the sugar content of the drinks you consume if you are concerned about your weight.

5. Eating Moderately Well

Eating moderately well is not good enough. If you want to lose weight you must plan your meals. You will gain weight if you pay no attention to the variety in your diet or the calorie content.

It is unlikely that you will get the results you want if you only cut out chocolate bars. Proper weight loss will come when you commit to a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating a well-balanced diet and exercising on a regular basis.

6. Chasing Fad Diets

There are hundreds of fad diets floating around on the internet nowadays. Many of these diets are said to be miracles by celebrities with toned bodies and perfect teeth.

Beware! Chasing fad diets is not a sustainable solution. They may work for some people. But fads like the Atkins and the Paleo diet can often do more damage than good.

7. Unhealthy Restaurant Choices

Not making wise choices when you go out to dinner is an easy way of undermining your progress. It can be tempting to have cheat meals at fast food joints or four course dinners at fancy restaurants. But you must be aware that this will make the rest of your week harder.

8. Not Drinking Enough Water

The last tip is to stay hydrated. You should be drinking water every day. You will be healthier if you replace your calorie filled drink with a glass of water.

“If you really want the water you drink to help you lose weight, you should follow the “8×8” rule recommended by most nutritionists: Drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day for weight loss and to maintain an ideal weight.”(Gaiam)

Staying Healthy

It is important to remain vigilant if you want to lose weight. Every day you will come across tasty temptations and easy options. As long as you remain aware of your unhealthy habits you should be able to lose weight in no time!

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Female personal trainer Justina Triasovaite justinatraining.com

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