Obese – where and how to start?

June 21, 2016

Written by ladies personal trainer Justina Triasovaite.

Obese people  are a major problem in society today. The disorder has not only affected millions of adults but now affects close to 20% of children. In the past 30 years, the numbers of obese people have soared globally. Even in Africa, a continent that has always been associated with famine and malnutrition, is encountering obesity.

Some of the reasons for this trend are a drastic change in our lifestyle that has become sedentary. The other reason is the readily available fast food, which consists of processed and refined foods. The third reason for the growing rise in obesity is the failure to understand basic nutrition concepts. Most people have no idea how many calories they are supposed to consume everyday or that precessed foods are harmful. Many people today rarely eat vegetables or fruits and rely totally on synthetic foods for their daily nutrient requirements.

However the most important factor that has contributed to obesity is lack of exercise. Today, people prefer to be with their digital devices or remain glued to their TV for hours on end. Laziness is visible at all levels in society- people rarely walk, park their cars close to the grocery store and don’t bother to get up switching of the TV if they cant find the remote. To buy food at the corner store, many people take the car and so on.

So how can we fight obesity?

The first thing to appreciate is that obesity is a preventable disorder. Changing the lifestyle is the key to fight the obesity epidemic. This is not a one shot deal but a life long process. One must start becoming more active. This does not mean you run a marathon every weekend or cycle from London to Glasgow every other weekend. Any activity is better than no activity. Start with small steps and this means start walking. If you walk every day for 1 hour, you can lose 300 calories a day, which amounts to loss of half a pound in weight each week. In a month you can lose two pounds. The biggest advantage of walking is that it is free, allows you to enjoy nature and safe (unless you fall down a pot hole while texting).

Careful with nutrition 

Small changes in obese person  diet is going to make dramatic difference. Start slowly. At first review your breakfast. Start day healthy. And by healthy I mean protein + vegetables or berries. Not loading up your self with sugar and carbs will leave you less hungry during the day. Vegetable omelette or Greek yogurt with berries is great choice to start with. 

Step by step... Open your fridge tell me what you see? Colourful fridge equals healthy fridge. I'm personal trainer who is against drastic nutritional changes everything has to come step by step. This way you are going to avoid quickly going back to old habits. It cantankerous months and months to form new habit. But ones you got it its for the rest of your life. 

If these measures do not help, seek professional help. Today there are personal trainers for obese people available that not only give advice on training and nutrition, but can motivate you. Some professional personal trainers in London have their own gyms and other even offer individualized exercise plans in your home.

It is never too late to exercise. But one has to be realistic about the results. Losing weight requires patience and dedication but if you remain motivated, you can lose your weight. When weight loss occurs, it not only improves physical health but also improves confidence and boosts self-esteem.

Final word: its never too late to start. Just sometimes we need that extra kick. If you are reading this article it can be your kick. Don't look back. Start now! If you want a top female personal trainer to help you lose weight, transform your habits and help you to feel better call me today.

Need more info? 

Email: [email protected]
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Female personal trainer Justina Triasovaite justinatraining.com

I'm Justina, a personal trainer based in London

Every day I use my passion and energy to improve my clients’ health, looks and lifestyle.
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07449 169 906

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