Intermediate Upper body workout: Straight back

Written by female personal trainer, London based, Justina Triasovaite.

Learn how to correct your upper back . This intermediate exercise is very good for people who want to learn how to use cables machine for rowing. 

For this back exercise you need to have previous experience in the gym. Also remember to warm up before every training.

About this back exercise

In this article I will be explaining how to perform standing up rowing using cables machine. I you never tried cables mow is the perfect time to do it. In general cables machines are great. Why? Because most of the exercises you will be performing with cables is not only beneficial for muscle group you working , but also core is engaged at all times. 

Remember :

Good posture = good shape! 

Rules to follow

Here are the rules you need to follow:

FIRST RULE - Stand in neutral position, shoulders relaxed
SECOND RULE - Slighty bent knees, gluteus and core engaged
THIRD RULE - Keep your elbow high whiles performing rowing
FOURTH RULE - Squeeze your shoulder blades together

Places where you can do it


Benefits of this workout

Common mistakes

Too light/too heavy weight
Incorrect starting/finishing possition

General nutrition

For all nutrition euiries please contact me directly via contact form or find me on where you will find a lots of recipes and advice.  

Ready to give it a go?

You need to perform this exercise at least 2 times a week in order to SEE RESULTS in around 6 weeks.


Please leave me your comments below. What did you think of the exercise? What is easy enough for you? Is there anything else you would have wanted me to cover? What other exercises would you like me to teach you? I'm all ears! 🙂

Intermediate Back Workout: Posture Correction

Written by female personal trainer Justina Triasovaite.

Learn how to perform upper back superset. This intermediate back superset  is very good way to correct your posture.

For this back workout  you need to have bumbells or any alternative for weighs (water bottles). Also remember to warm up before every training.

About this Back workout

This is typical example of back superset.  Improve your posture and back strength only with two movements. Reverse flies followed by bend over row perfect combination for strong back.  


You can contact me for more information about this exercise or get more information how to improve your posture. 

Rules to follow

Here are the rules you need to follow:

FIRST RULE - Squeeze your shoulder blades together whiles contacting
SECOND RULE - Change weights if needed between exercises
THIRD RULE - First times perform these exercises in front of the mirror to avoid wrong position
FOURTH RULE - Engage core muscles whiles performing this back superset

Places where you can do it

EVERYWHERE: gym, park, at home, anywhere you like.

Benefits of this workout

Common mistakes

Wrong starting position
Too light/heavy weights

General nutrition

For building muscle we need well balanced diet contained from healthy fats ( omega3, avocado, nuts) protein (poultry, meats, eggs) and carbohydrates ( whole grains, vegetables). For more information about nutrition please contact me directly here or via Fb 

Ready to give it a go?

You need to perform this exercise at least 3 times a week in order to SEE RESULTS in around 6 weeks


Please leave me your comments below. What did you think of the exercise? What is easy enough for you? Is there anything else you would have wanted me to cover? What other exercises would you like me to teach you? I'm all ears! 🙂

Intermediate Arms Workout: Bye Bingo Wings

Written by female personal trainer, London based, Justina Triasovaite.

Learn how to tone up arms. This intermediate upperbody workout is for YOU, because nobody ever said flabby arms are nice 🙂 

For this arm exercise you need to dumbbell or any type of weight (can be water bottle). Also remember to warm up before any training.

About this arms exercise 

This triceps super set  is perfect to anyone - to get rid of bingo wings or increase size and strength of triceps.  I put this routine to intermediate section, because its requires to have some general understanding about exercising. Please watch video carefully and pay attention to elbow position in both exercises. 

Remember to:

Check your technique in the mirror before choosing heavy weights. 

Rules to follow

Here are the rules you need to follow:

FIRST RULE - For both exercises keep your elbow in the same position AT ALL TIMES
SECOND RULE - Make sure you are fully extending your arm (both exercises)
THIRD RULE - Engage your core
FOURTH RULE - Keep neutral spine

Places where you can do it

EVERYWHERE: gym, park, at home, anywhere you like.

Benefits of this workout

Common mistakes

Not keeping elbow still
Not extending arm 100%
Not engaging core

General nutrition

Well balanced nutrition is essential for muscle building. for more information about  nutrition please contact me directly or visit my

Ready to give it a go?

You need to perform this exercise at least twice a week in order to SEE RESULTS in around 6-8 weeks.


Please leave me your comments below. What did you think of the exercise? What is easy enough for you? Is there anything else you would have wanted me to cover? What other exercises would you like me to teach you? I'm all ears! 🙂

Intermediate Abs Workout: Double Burn

Written by female personal trainer Justina Triasovaite.

Learn how to work your lower and upper abs together. This intermediate abs workout is great because it covers your whole abs muscles.

For this abs workout you need to have mat. Also remember to warm up before every training session.

About this abs workout

Double crunch followed by leg raise & extension is powerful combination for great lower and upper abs  strength. Combine these two exercise to get maximum burn. 

Remember to:

Breath in and breath out. Get maximum amount of oxygent to maximise results!

Rules to follow

Here are the rules you need to follow:

FIRST RULE - Keep your lower back on the mat at all times
SECOND RULE - Lift your shoulders and hips at the same time (with double crunch)
THIRD RULE - Keep you neck at the same position at all times

Places where you can do it

EVERYWHERE: gym, park, at home, anywhere you like.

Benefits of this workout

Common mistakes

Arching back whiles lowering legs
Using neck muscles instead of core muscles 

General nutrition

Well balanced nutrition is the best way to get maximum results. For more information about nutrition please contact me directly via contacting form.

Ready to give it a go?

You need to perform this exercise at least 3 times a week in order to SEE RESULTS in around  6 weeks


Please leave me your comments below. What did you think of the exercise? What is easy enough for you? Is there anything else you would have wanted me to cover? What other exercises would you like me to teach you? I'm all ears! 🙂

Intermediate GLUTEUS Workout for a Peach Bum!

Written by female personal trainer, London based, Justina Triasovaite.

Learn how to Deadlift. This intermediate bodybuilding exercise is very good because you can build strong gluteus, correct posture and strengthen back just with one simple movement. 

For this bodybuilding exercise  you need to Barbell.

About this gluteus  exercise

This gluteus exercise is for people who would like to build strong gluteus, hamstrings, correct posture and strengthen back muscles. 

Remember to:

With deadlifts you never going to get bored. It's all about how heavy you can go. The heavier weights are more of definition in your gluteus and hamstrings you will see. 

Rules to follow

Here are the rules you need to follow:

FIRST RULE - Start with very low weight
SECOND RULE - repeat exercise every week with 5% weight increment 
THIRD RULE - Keep your back straight all the way
FOURTH RULE - squeeze your shoulder blades together when contacting gluteus

Places where you can do it

EVERYWHERE: gym, park, at home, anywhere you like.

Benefits of this workout

Common mistakes

Rounding back whiles lifting up and lowering barbell
Not engaging core muscles
Not retracting your shoulder blades  

General nutrition

Well balanced protein and carbohydrate diet will bring best results

Ready to give it a go?

You need to perform this exercise once a week in order to SEE RESULTS in around six weeks


Please leave me your comments below. What did you think of the exercise? What is easy enough for you? Is there anything else you would have wanted me to cover? What other exercises would you like me to teach you? I'm all ears! 🙂