All you need to know about lunges

Written by ladies personal trainer Justina Triasovaite.

A lunge is a form of exercise in which one leg is positioned forward with knee bent and foot flat while the other one is positioned behind. It is used by several people with several purposes. Yogis use it for asana regimen, weight trainers use it for fitness and athletes use it for cross training in sports.

How-to perform 

Just like other exercises, lunges also have several variations but a basic form of lunge is:

  • where you keep your upper body in a straight position
  • shoulders relaxed at the back and chin up.
  • put your one foot in front lowering your hip until both of your knees are bent at about 90 degrees.

Please check out the video below where famele personal trainer Justina is demonstarting different varieteis of lunges:


There is a numerious great benefits you will get after performing this great exercise on weekly basis:

  •  Improves hip flexibility
  • Greater core strength
  • Strengthens gluteal muscles
  • Gives a firm rounded shape to your hips
  • Improves balance and coordination
  • Targets most of your lower body muscles

Common mistakes

Lunges can be quite complicated exercise for a begginer, make sure you follow the rules...

· Biggest mistake while performing a lunge is that you think you are dropping your knees too much but you are not. The correct form is to get your back knee almost touch the floor.

· Many people fall down with their upper body because they do not keep their core strength engaged.

· People think justbending down one knee is the form of a lung, whereas, the correct form is to bend enough where your knee is aligned with you ankle.

· Sometimes the lunge is too long or too short.

· Because your body is not at a balance and your back is not straight, your front knee gets shaky and eventually leads to a fall.

· Body weight is not distributed accurately.


    · Walking lunge (my favourite) : do a basic lunge as mentioned above and then start walking before your bent leg makes contact with the floor.

    · Reverse Lunge: it is similar to walking lunge just that you have to step backward at exactly the same width as you take in moving forward.

    · Rear elevated foot lunge: put your one foot at a bench or a step keeping your toes pointed, foot flexed pressuring the ball of your other foot. Bend down on your foot that is not on the bench or step until it almost touches the floor and then drive back up through the other leg to the starting position.

    · Slider lunge: stand with your feet hip width apart. Place the slider under your foot and push it back until hip is completely stretched and knee almost touching the floor. Apply the pressure on the slide and bring your leg back to the original position.

    Who should do this exercise

      Lunges are the best exercises for your butt and legs. It can be done by anyone whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced. For beginners it is suggested to do basic planks, for intermediates walk or reverse lunges and for advanced level professionals it is suggested that they use weights or dumbbells to make it more energetic.

      If you enjoyed this article click here for related article  written by female personal trainer Justina

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      All you need to know about bench press

      Written by ladies personal trainer Justina Triasovaite.

      How can anyone ignore the classic exercise of training your upper body? Bench Press is the certainly one of the best lift that you can do to your upper body. It is the time to achieve your dream muscular body with a dash of endless effort. The real charm of bench press lies in building a strong and massive upper body and much of the gym-freaks and great lifters spend their time perfecting the Bench Press Game with female personal trainer Justina.

      Muscles engaged

      The chect press involves the working of numerous upper-body muscles but the ultimate focus lies on the pectorals main muscles of the chest. When performed on routine-basis, it imparts thickness, muscle clarity and strength to the chest. As a combinational exercise, bench press also involves the triceps and deltoids that are a part of completing the movement properly. In addition to this, bench presses also engaged biceps that serve as active stabilizers and finally it involves the secondary muscles including rhomboids, serratus anterior and rotator cuff as well.

      • Triceps
      • ​Pecs
      • Rotator cuff
      • Rhomboids
      • Serattus anterior

      How-to perform 

      Hosting a bucket full of benefits, chest press is easy to perform if you are good enough to master the simple trick that we have shared.

      • Simply lie down and sit at the extreme end of your flat bench
      • Squash your Shoulder-blades and lift your chest up high while tightening your upper-back
      • Grasp The Bar
      • Place Your Feet properly or simply keep your feet flat on the floor using a shoulder-width posture
      • Exhale out while lifting the bar up


      • The major benefit of doing bench press is maximum overload on chest muscles. This exercise allows you to aim the pecs with chunks of weight. Bench press has eventually no comparison as it entails the ability to aim chest muscles with heavy loads
      • It is an amazing exercise to develop muscle mass on your upper body that means improving muscle growth and adding some real mass to your body.
      • Bench press is best known for increasing and improving push strength as it strikes the chest mainly along with shoulders and triceps. As a result, these muscles turn stronger for a few other exercises such as barbell overhead press or dips.
      • It provides you with bragging rights. Oh yeah! If you have certainly made your way with proper training and technique, there’s no shame in bragging and telling the whole world about your ultimate bench press strength.
      • The amazing health benefit linked with chest press is that it reduces cholesterol levels and frequent training reduces the risk of diabetes.

      Common mistakes

      • One of the frequent mistakes made by weight-lifters is thinking “less is more”. Do not over train yourself at all as it can lead to serious aches and injuries.
      • Another blunder made while performing bench press is neglecting “warm up” completely. By performing lighter warm-up sets you will be able to store your energy for the heavier weights and a massive finish.
      • The most common mistake is lowering the bar incorrectly on the chest. Make sure you don’t expand your shoulders and pecs while benching.


        Kick away the conventional method of bench press and try out the listed bench press variations by best female personal trainer Justina

        Reverse Grip Bench Press: Push away the boring method of training the upper chest and try out reverse grip bench press that increases upper pec activation by 30% when compared to traditional method of bench press.

        Close Grip Bench Press This fantastic variation focuses on developing triceps. Grab the par with both hands held close together and continue the movement which would require your triceps to work and function harder.

        Who should do this exercise

          Walk in to the gym; look around and yes you are free to indulge in bench press exercise. There is no limitation and this exercise is great for everyone including beginners or trainers alike. 

          If you enjoyed this article click here for more chest exercises written by female personal trainer Justina

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          Email: [email protected]
          Mobile (text or call): 07944 916 9906
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          All you need to know about shoulder press

          Written by ladies personal trainer Justina Triasovaite.

          Meet the best-known and wondrous full body exercise named as “Shoulder Press”. This combinational exercise involves the procedure in which your arms and shoulders press the weight over head whereas the lower back, legs and abs are meant to balance your posture while performing it. It is flawless exercise for those who look for developing big and muscular shoulders with strong arms.

          Muscles engaged

          An amazing way to attain balance in strength levels comprises numerous shoulder press variations either seated or standing, with or without support.

          • Back
          • Mid deltoids
          • Triceps
          • Rotator cuff
          • Scapular muscles
          • Traps and lats

          How-to perform 

          Try out shoulder press super-easy technique with your female personal trainer Justina

          • Grab a dumb bell in both hands
          • Get seated on bench that offers back support
          • Set the dumbbells upright on top of things
          • Now lift the dumbbells to shoulder height (one at a time) while utilizing your thighs to raise them up in to the position


          • Shoulder press offers you with a full body workout. This Olympic-styled lift appears more than an upper body building exercise and is known for delivering s full body workout.
          • An amazing benefit of shoulder press is that it improves your lockout strength. Thus, it helps in increasing your ability to extend your elbows repeatedly.
          • The shoulder press exercise provides the advantage of improved shoulder health and safeguard against injuries when performed correctly.
          • A major benefit of shoulder press exercise is that it strengthens bones. While lifting, the load placed on bones by the weights forces them to adapt just like muscles. As a result, bones turn stronger which reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
          • Lastly, another awesome benefit of performing shoulder press exercise is that it helps one develop upper body mass and strength. It’s certainly the best exercise for getting most noticeable results with a stronger and bigger upper body.

          Common mistakes

          • The main mistake made while performing shoulder press is gym-freaks don’t identify and differentiate the primary and secondary movers of the exercise. Don’t overwork your front delts in shoulder press exercise.
          • Another culprit of shoulder press is focusing on weights and overlooking muscle stimulation.
          • Lastly, gym trainers utilize too much of momentum without realizing that each delt head is small and for that they need to minimize both momentum and assistance from other muscles of the body.


            Ditch the boring and conventional methods of shoulder-press and this time try something new instead. Here are three shoulder press variations with a much-needed twist.

            Glute bridge combo - Get creative with this variation combo with an additional benefit of working on your glutes while performing shoulder press. Offering an additional leg drive, this variation will let you cheat the bench press by bringing your butt up and excessively arching your back muscles.

            Reverse Grip Squeeze Press - So here goes everyone’s favorite shoulder press variation! Reverse Grip Squeeze Press serves as a great way to hit your pecs and to pump up your body fully after an exhausting workout.

            Eccentric-Focus Single Arm PressThis -  This variation serves as an effective training tool by combining explosive leg drive along with upper body strength. This movement targets the entire body ranging from head to toe while pressing each arm individually with an added benefit of stimulating the rotary stability muscles.

            Who should do this exercise

              This exercise is best suited for gym trainers and professionals especially while trying out the advanced variations with shoulder press. Moreover, beginners can give it a try too with proper assistance of top female personal trainer.

              If you enjoyed this article click here for more shoulders exercises written by female personal trainer Justina

              Need more info? 

              Email: [email protected]
              Mobile (text or call): 07944 916 9906
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              All you need to know about bend over row

              Written by ladies personal trainer Justina Triasovaite.

              Bend Over Row stands out for being the most effective weight training exercises that aims numerous back muscles. This amazing exercise is great for gym-freaks who are interested in bodybuilding and powerlifting. Know more about this wonderful exercise for increasing strength and size. Perform a single move for a bigger and stronger back!

              Muscles engaged

              The main muscle involved in this amazing Bend Over Row exercise is your middle back and muscles too.

              • Middle back
              • Lats
              • Biceps
              • Shoulders

              How-to perform 

              Try out bend over row  super-easy technique with your female personal trainer Justina

              • Grab a barbell with pronated grip
              • Bend your knees a little bit and move your body forward while bending at the waist
              • Keep your back flat and straight until it turns almost parallel to the floor
              • Keep your abs contracted 
              • Head in neutral possition

              Benefits of rowing

              • The first and foremost benefit of performing Bend Over Row is that it helps develop a strong back. It is definitely one of the best exercises as it boosts your strength within no time.
              • Bend Over row involves pulling weights as quick as possible without breaking the posture and therefore trains you for explosiveness.
              • Who doesn’t love getting a big and stronger back? It is counted among one of the best lifts for developing plumper back muscles.
              • This fantastic exercise teaches you how to bend at hips flexibly (in opposition to the waist).
              • ·Once you master Bend Over Row exercise, you turn out much stronger to carry over other major movements with great ease.

              Common mistakes

              • The major blunder done while performing Bend Over Row is smacking the knee bend. The perfect way of knee bending is 15-20 degrees and make sure this stays constant throughout the movement.
              • Standing over a bench while performing bend over row endures the risk of falling off the bench that might result in to serious injuries while you are lifting heavy weights.
              • Deadlifts and cleans are both great movements, but don't make the mistake of turning the bent-over row into a quasi-version of either. You do that by simultaneously rowing and rising up from your hips, which are sometimes done when you use a weight that's too heavy. That action actively engages the lower-back musculature, which to this point had been only isometrically contracting to hold your spine in place.


                Inverted RowThis variation is perfect for beginners as it activates the back muscles of our body. Try out inhaling and exhaling to get most out of it while performing this amazing Bend Over Row variation.

                Kroc row: Popularized after the name of Janae Marie Kroc, this variation calls for lifting grip compensating straps that weigh up to 300 lbs.

                Chinese dumbbell row: This variation was introduced by the Chinese Weightlifting team with heavy weight lifts and excessive repetition scheme. Chinese Dumbbell row is famous for offering wider range of motion and awakening the muscles.

                Who should row

                  Everyone should do bend over row at least 2 times a week. Beginner, intermediate or advanced. No exception. Make sure that you are building up slowly your resistance. start with light weigh barbell or dumbbells. 

                  If you enjoyed this article click here for more back exercises 

                  Need more info? 

                  Email: [email protected]
                  Mobile (text or call): 07944 916 9906
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                  All you need to know about squats

                  Written by ladies personal trainer Justina Triasovaite.

                  Make you squat as simple as they spell! If you feel like transforming your body super quickly, squats could be the ultimate fitness tool for you. Many of us get bloated with fat and look for shedding it in the most convenient way without limiting diet. While there are females that wish to stay fit and feel good, squats are effective and helpful for shaping up. Training with the top female personal trainer is an absolute pleasure. Nothing can feel better than mastering this technique and toning your legs. Go through our complete squat guide right from the scratch.

                  Muscles engaged

                  Squat, this single-best lower body exercise is a combination forming full body exercises and training the muscles of.

                  • Buttocks
                  • Hips
                  • Thigs
                  • Quadriceps

                  While performing squat exercise, the size and firmness of legs and buttocks along with developing core strength is achieved and this involves the engagement of trunk muscles, coastal muscles, lower back and the upper back to train properly.

                  How-to perform (as simple as you can)

                  Try out squats with this super-easy technique with your female personal trainer Justina

                  • Stand straight with feet hip-width apart. Stand your feet apart directly under your hips.
                  • Contract your stomach muscles 
                  • Lower down as you are sitting
                  • Keep your legs straigh
                  • Squeeze gluteus on top 

                  Benefits of squatting 

                  • · The main benefit of performing squat exercise is it helps to eliminate waste from the body. Moreover, the muscular workout improves the flow of fluids within the body.
                  • · Butt toning is another appealing feature of squats.
                  • · Squats are beneficial for improving posture. Stroll around like a beauty queen as squats will balance the way to sit, stand or walk resulting eventually into strengthening back muscles.
                  • · Wave goodbye to the unwanted fat with squats. Squats are beneficial for burning calories and toning body muscles too.
                  • · Squats are best-known for enhancing circulation. Better circulation means that more nourishment and oxygen to all the essential muscles and organs.

                  Common mistakes of squatting

                  • · The most common mistake while squatting is rounding your back. Make sure your back stays flat and straight as rounding your back could turn out pretty dangerous for your health.
                  • · Another blunder arises when you don’t know where to look. The perfect answer to it is “Look forward”. Yeah, you need to look straight while squatting as it is quite safer for your spine.
                  • · In order to assure proper knee health, avoid using heel boards or plates for squatting as it moves your knee forward. Instead, try sitting back in squatting and place flexibility in the first place.


                    Once you turn out to be a PRO at squatting, you can try out various progressions of squats with great ease and flexibility. Here are the famous three progressions that will move to you the advanced version of squatting with one leg.

                    Bulgarian split squats Place your back foot on a lifted platform, with the sole pointing up. While lowering yourself keep your entire weight over your front leg.

                    Assisted squats You will need a chair to perform assisted squats. Place your hands on the back of the chair that is placed in front of you. Lower down till your thighs correspond with the floor and rise up using the chair.

                    Beginner shrimp squats In this advanced version, you have to lower yourself using one leg until the toes and knees of the bent leg strike the floor at the same time. Then rise up while trying to life your toes and knees again.

                    Who should squat

                      Squatting and training on a routine basis dates back to the year 1940. As far as the main idea is concerned, everyone can take up squatting be it beginners, intermediate, professionals and even people that have no training background. Here we reveal the secret, Squatting daily can lead to phenomenal results.

                      Need more info? 

                      Email: [email protected]
                      Mobile (text or call): 07944 916 9906
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