Is Gluten Free Diet Good to Fight Tiredness & Fatigue?

May 4, 2017

Last updated on March 4th, 2024 at 11:26 pm

Female personal trainer Justina helps her readers with interesting articles regarding personal training and related issues.

We often tend to find excuses about things we don’t clearly understand. One of the examples could be feeling tired and thinking of the thousand reasons, why we feel this way: spring tiredness (lack of vitamins), bad weather tiredness, lack of motivation (no energy to do anything, nothing interesting around you), etc. are the most often scenarios. What if the reason to that is not related to weather, season, or any other outer circumstances and it all depends on what you eat?As a female personal trainer, I truly believe in the power of healthy eating and mindset. Some products we eat might be harmful to our bodies, and without even knowing it, we could be doing some real harm to it every single day. One of those things can be gluten.

What is gluten exactly?

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye.For people with gluten intolerance, high in take of this substance can cause digestive disorders, such as abdominal pain and bloating. According to NHS, gluten intolerance, or Coeliac disease, affects one in every 100 people in UK.

As mentioned above, gluten can initiate variety of gut disorders (bloating, abdominal pain, indigestion, constipation, etc.) as well as cause more general symptoms, such as fatigue, tiredness and nerve damage. It is important to increase awareness about this topic, as there might be people around you who might be suffering from this disorder without even knowing it.

Where can gluten be found?

Gluten can be found in foods that contain wheat, barley or rye: pasta, bread, other meals made of flour. It can even be found in prepared meals, some sauces. That’s why, as a female personal trainer, I always advice my clients to read the product labels carefully in the store. Gluten or no gluten, there is a lot of important information or even warnings that you should be aware of before eating the product.

What should I do to eliminate tiredness and fatigue?

My main advice would be to listen to your body and see what is best for it – if after reading this you think that your tiredness might be a result of gluten intolerance, you can try eliminating foods rich in gluten for a couple of weeks or a month and see how it goes. If your mood and energy levels increase dramatically, I think you can easily make the conclusions yourself. Digestive health highly affects the individual’s overall wellness and health. That’s why I can’t stress enough – nutrition is key to achieving any body transformation goals, as well as positive mindset.

Is gluten forbidden in a healthy diet?

There is no harm to consume gluten in moderation with other products if you are not gluten intolerant, though. If you get plenty of nutrients from fruit and vegetables and other high quality foods, workout regularly and have positive attitude towards your body, you can have an occasional treat. Simply don’t forget to keep a healthy balance in your nutrition. Of course, if you suspect that you might be gluten intolerant, try eliminating it completely from your diet and if it changes the way you feel dramatically, considereliminating gluten for good.

How can I know exactly if I am gluten intolerant?

The only certain way to find out if your tiredness and digestion problems are the results of consuming products rich in gluten, is to go to a doctor’s office and take the necessary tests. Although, according to, the tests show only the Coeliac disease, whereas your symptoms might have been caused by non-Coeliac gluten sensitivity. The only way to be sure is to take the clinical tests as well as try gluten elimination diet.

What are the alternatives of gluten containing foods?

According to Web MD, instead of choosing products, containing gluten, you can substitute them with corn and rice-based products (e.g. cereals, cookies, pasta etc.). Although have in mind that you always have to look at the product labels carefully and see if there are not any hidden ingredients that could contain gluten. Check out healthy foods section in your supermarket to see the assortment of gluten free products. There are plenty of alternatives to make you feel full and satisfied: consider rice and potatoes instead of pasta. What about snacks? Use rice cakes, corn chips, popcorn instead of crackers – they are all gluten free.

All in all, don’t start following the popular nutrition trends just because everyone on social media is talking about it. If you suffer from similar symptoms as described in this article, consider eliminating gluten for a couple of weeks and see what happens. Always consider getting professional help from your nutritionist/fitness trainer or doctor, just to be sure that by avoiding certain foods you are not doing more harm than good to your body.

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Female personal trainer Justina Triasovaite

I'm Justina, a personal trainer based in London

Every day I use my passion and energy to improve my clients’ health, looks and lifestyle.
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